Federal Black-Led Philanthropic Endowment Fund

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Feb. 18, 2022

The federal government has committed $200M to establish a Black-Led Philanthropic Endowment Fund to support Black-led charities and organizations serving youth and social initiatives.

The Fund is intended to “create a sustainable source of funding … [to] improve social and economic outcomes in Black communities” in a way that reflects key features:

  • Be governed to reflect the diversity of Black communities
  • Be accountable to those communities
  • Support diverse social and economic projects
  • See regional expertise guide funding decisions

To move this initiative forward, the government is asking for submissions from Black-led charities, organizations and interested Canadians on how to design the Endowment Fund. Specifically, it is asking:

  1. How can the Fund’s philanthropic principles center the lived experiences and realities of Black communities, including in its governance?
  2. How can the Fund remain accountable to Black communities and its governance reflect the diversity of these communities?
  3. How should the Endowment Fund prioritize its investments and its granting?
  4. What should we consider when selecting an entity or entities responsible for the Endowment Fund?

If this is an initiative that fits your charity’s purposes and mission, the government has invited you to answer some or all of the questions but the maximum length is three pages. You can include additional information like research reports or statistics as attachments.

Submissions can be sent by email to: ESDC.INFO.SBCC-ACNC.INFO.EDSC@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca

The deadline is February 28, 2022.

The content provided in this blog is for general information purposes and does not constitute legal or professional advice. Every organization’s circumstances are unique. Before acting on the basis of information contained in this blog, readers should consult with a qualified lawyer for advice specific to their situation.

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