COVID-19: Alberta Suspends In-Person Meetings under Societies Act

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Apr. 13, 2020

covid 19  alberta suspends in person meetings under societies act
This entry is part 17 of 45 in the series COVID-19.

On April 9, 2020 Alberta issued a Ministerial Order that provides the following administrative relief for organizations incorporated under the Societies Act:

  • Obligations to hold in-person meetings are suspended (s 25 Societies Act) but nothing in the suspension precludes a society from holding a remote meeting using video or teleconferencing
  • Obligation to send or make a report, annual return or return to the Registrar is suspended (s 26(2) Societies Act)
  • Charitable registrations or renewals that would expire while the emergency order is in effect have an additional 3 months before the expiry is effective (new s 9(5.1 ) Charitable Fund-Raising Regulation)
  • Provisions relating to in-person access to regular places of business for the inspection of physical documents and records are suspended (s 36(2) Societies Act)
  • Trustees who have received monetary contributions for a charity now have 15 days instead of 3 days to properly deposit the money (s 11(2) Charitable Fund-Raising Act)

Starting April 15, Alberta has pledged to match, dollar for dollar up to $2 million to Alberta-based charities and non-profit organizations with COVID-19 fundraising campaigns. Albertans who donate to designated organizations by May 31, will have their donations matched by the province.

There are seven identified organizations:

  • United Way of the Capital Region
  • United Way Calgary and Area
  • Calgary Foundation
  • Edmonton Community Foundation
  • Community Foundation of Southeastern Alberta
  • Community Foundation of Lethbridge and Southwestern Alberta
  • Community Foundation of Northwestern Alberta

Program details can be found here.

Charity leaders are invited to share how they are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic within their organization in our online community forum, The Green: COVID-19 Response Room.

Series Navigation<< COVID-19: Canada Summer Jobs 2020 ExpansionCOVID-19: Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) Q&A >>

The content provided in this blog is for general information purposes and does not constitute legal or professional advice. Every organization’s circumstances are unique. Before acting on the basis of information contained in this blog, readers should consult with a qualified lawyer for advice specific to their situation.

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