- Alberta Court of Appeal Steps into the Quagmire of Religious Disputes
- Supreme Court of Canada Decides to Hear The Wall Case: Is A Church Member Entitled To Sue A Congregation Because He Was Disfellowshipped?
- Canadian Council of Christian Charities Granted Intervener Status in Wall Case
- CCCC Makes Oral Argument At Wall Case
- Bussey – National Post Op-Ed: Courts have no business reviewing religious decisions
- Bridge City News Interviews Bussey on the Wall Case
- Supreme Court of Canada: Churches Free to Determine Membership Requirements and Disciplinary Process Without Judicial Review
- Bussey’s Commentary on Wall Decision Recognizing The Freedom of Religious Communities To Make Decisions on Membership & Internal Rules
This week Bridge City News interviewed Barry on the Wall case at the Supreme Court of Canada and the federal government’s proposal to remove s.176 from the Criminal Code.
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