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Congratulations, BethanyKids!

Apr. 24, 2019

congratulations  bethanykids

By demonstrating integrity and complying with the CCCC Standards of Accountability, BethanyKids has earned the right to display the Seal of Accountability.

Surgery and Rehabilitation

Millions of children in Africa don’t get the surgery and rehabilitation they need.

BethanyKids wants to change that. They train doctors from across Africa as surgeons. Since 2004, more than 25,000 children have received needed surgery.

In 2018, BethanyKids performed 3,571 pediatric surgical procedures and saw more than 11,500 children in hospital outpatient clinics in five African countries.

They describe themselves as “a compassionate Christian mission transforming the lives of African children with surgical conditions and disabilities through

  • pediatric surgery;
  • rehabilitation;
  • public education;
  • spiritual ministry; and
  • training health professionals.”

Increased Mobility, Enhanced Self-worth, and a Greater Capacity to Learn

BethanyKids also operates a rehabilitation program at a residential school in Thika, Kenya for children with disabilities. More than 275 primary-aged students receive weekly therapy, giving them increased mobility, enhanced self-worth, and a greater capacity to learn. In 2018, over 7,000 therapy sessions were provided to children.

Holistic Transformation

A former patient, Francisca, who is now a BethanyKids staff member, says, “We seek to offer a holistic transformation in the lives of children with disabilities…the mission of our ministry is to point people to the God who is the ultimate answer to all our problems!”

Where BethanyKids Works

BethanyKids began its surgical ministry in Kenya and now works in five countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Sierra Leone, and Uganda. They have partner hospitals in each of these countries, and their vision is to expand into even more countries as they continue to train doctors from across the continent.

Find out more about BethanyKids and its ministry focuses. Information about CCCC certified members can be found on

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