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Canada Revenue Agency Launches "Quick View" Feature

Aug. 21, 2012

canada revenue agency launches  quick view  feature

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has launched a new feature on its website that summarizes select information from a registered charity's T3010 using charts and visual graphs. This new display can be accessed by searching for a charity's name in CRA's Charities Listings, selecting the "Return" icon, and then selecting the "Quick View" icon.

What information is displayed in Quick View?

CRA has selected certain parts of the T3010 to highlight in Quick View. Unlike the T3010, Quick View gives prominence to registered charities' programs and activities by displaying them at the top of the page on each profile. The information that is listed here has been pre-populated from Section C2. Quick View also provides a visual summary of each charity's revenues and expenditures by using information from Schedule 6. There is also a small chart that displays compensation information for the top ten highest paid positions.

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