Each year, all Canadian registered charities are required to complete and file a Registered Charity Information Return (the T3010) within six months of their fiscal year-end.
Recently, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) made some minor formatting changes to the online version of the form. CCCC’s online [:link href=”https://www.cccc.org/t3010″ txt=”T3010 Form”:] has been updated to reflect these changes and has been approved for use by [:link href=”http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/lst-eng.html” txt=”CRA”:].
The changes are listed below:
1. The number of characters allowed has increased on the T3010-1 Activities Outside Canada – Schedule 2, question 2 for the field “Name of the individual/organization”.
2. The number of name entries has been expanded and the length of the field has been increased on the T3010-1 Confidential Data – Schedule 4, question 2 “Information about Donors Not Resident in Canada”.
3. The maximum number of Qualified Donees that can be entered on the T1236 has increased from 999 to 9999.