East Africa Drought Relief Fund Declaration Form

Aug. 7, 2011

east africa drought relief fund declaration form

The East Africa Drought Relief Fund Declaration Form has been released by Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). This form is required for charities to track donations for matching funds from the Canadian government. Charities collecting donations for drought relief in East Africa are required to submit to CIDA by September 30, 2011, the completed East Africa Drought Relief Fund Declaration Form. CIDA will use these declarations to obtain matching funds from the federal government.

The fillable form is available on the [:link href=”http://www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/acdi-cida/ACDI-CIDA.nsf/eng/ANN-72082543-GL5″ txt=”CIDA East Africa Drought Relief Fund”:] website. Click on “declaration forms” in the box on the right hand side.

For additional information on the requirements to obtain matching funds, please see the [:link href=”https://www.cccc.org/news_release/116″ txt=”CCCC news release issued July 26, 2011″:] .

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