Please note the CCCC office will be closed on December 25, 26, 27, and Jan. 1, 2025.

Federal Budget 2011 Follow Up

Mar. 24, 2011

federal budget 2011 follow up

This afternoon Parliament defeated the government in a vote of nonconfidence. This means that none of the federal budget proposals affecting charities, announced March 22, 2011, are effective.

Several of the Budget 2011 provisions affecting the charitable sector focussed on strengthening the enforcement measures of Canada Revenue Agency. These same measures would also have strengthened the work of legitimate charities. Unless reintroduced and passed by a subsequent government, none of the provisions outlined in the CCCC news release issued March 23, 2011, have any effect.

Political Activities

Now that a federal election is pending, charities are reminded that they are prohibited from participating in partisan politics. For full details, view the CCCC webcasts:

Charities and Political Activity

Permissible Charitable, Business and Political Activities

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