Please note the CCCC office will be closed on December 25, 26, 27, and Jan. 1, 2025.
This entry is part 5 of 24 in the series Pastors: A Hope and a Future.

Pastors, in addition to all the people in your life who can support you in ministry, remember there is one very special partner who is always at work behind the scenes: God the Father.

No pastor is a solo pastor, or is the only lead, associate, young adults, youth, childrens, community or any other kind of pastor at your church. Every pastor has God the Father as a co-pastor in their role.

This post from December 1, 2020 explains how, as you do your pastoral work, God the Father is also at work (usually in a way not known to you) creating the circumstances for you to fulfill your call with great fruitfulness.

Be encouraged!

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