An exploration of Christian ministry leadership led by CCCC's CEO John Pellowe
“Maybe leadership isn’t for me!”
Flourishing People, Healthy, Organizational Leadership | Professional development, Self-awareness, Staff Care & Development, Theology of leadership
Leaders – Bridging the Worlds of Scholarship and the Street
Effective, Exemplary, Intellectual Creativity, Organizational Leadership, Thoughtful | Leadership responsibility, Logic model, Reflective, Research-Based, Strategic planning
Leadership’s Responsibility for Organizational Culture
Flourishing People, Healthy, Organizational Leadership | Corporate culture, Skillful Team Leadership
Performance Ratings for Charities
Healthy, Organizational Leadership, Sufficient Resources | Donor acquisition, Financial Resources, Organizational evaluation, Performance measurement
The Terrible Cost of “Supervision”
Flourishing People, Healthy, Team Leadership | Staff Care & Development, Supervision, Theology of leadership
Early Warning Signs for Loss of Integrity
Exemplary, Great Leadership, Healthy, Impeccable, Personal Leadership | Ethics and Integrity, Favourite Reads, Inspirational Leaders, Integrity, Self-awareness, Values, Workaholism
Staff Leadership at the Board Table
Great Leadership, Healthy, Organizational Leadership | Board delegation, Board-Staff relations, Good Governance, Governance style, Inspirational Leaders, Leadership responsibility, Strategic planning
The Leader’s Guide to Storytelling
Best Practices, Christian, Christian Identity, Exemplary, Great Leadership, Healthy, Organizational Leadership | Christian Attributes, Corporate culture, Ethics and Integrity, Favourite Reads, Inspirational Leaders, Leadership responsibility, Organizational Life, Storytelling, Strategic statements, Values
Require and Relate: The Paradox of Good Leadership
Effective, Flourishing People, Healthy, Planful, Team Leadership | Evaluation, Improvement, Leadership responsibility, Performance measurement, Performance Standards, Social skills, Staff Care & Development, Theology of leadership