In many parts of our nation, COVID-19 has uncovered a tragic neglect of our elderly within long-term care homes. It reminds us of the need for a Christian affirmation of the value and dignity of life, from beginning to end, and the important role of ministries and organizations in sharing that message.
Delta Hospice Society in British Columbia is one organization seeking to do just that, by helping individuals and their families live with comfort, meaning, dignity and hope in the last stages of life. It’s life-affirming perspective means no medical assistance in dying (“MAID”) can be performed on site. But, as we discussed in our April Bulletin, the local health authority deemed this a breach of contract and it withdrew funding.
This should serve as a wake-up call for Christian ministries everywhere. It tells us that organizations and ministries that object to MAID will come under increasing scrutiny. It tells us how quickly a legislative exception to the criminal act of murder has become an “obligation” of healthcare organizations and professionals to facilitate. It also has the very real possibility of influencing other government authorities’ approach to MAID.
Pressure to provide MAID will likely increase as eligibility expands – Bill C-7 is currently before Parliament and would allow MAID where death is not reasonably foreseeable, and in some circumstances, by way of advance directive. For a more detailed discussion, see the Horizons column in our April Bulletin.
Given the situation, Delta Hospice’s Executive Director is asking for Christian brothers and sisters across Canada to join in a 30-day call to prayer for the hospice and for the nation, from May 28-June 26, 2020. More details can be found in the letter below.
We invite you to join with them – and us – in this initiative.

To learn more on this topic, see
The Right of Religious Hospitals to Refuse Physician-Assisted Suicide (24 May 2018)
Quebec Court Expands Assisted Suicide Eligibility (12 Sept 2019
Euthanasia: Tell the Government What You Think (21 Jan 2020)
The content provided in this blog is for general information purposes and does not constitute legal or professional advice. Every organization’s circumstances are unique. Before acting on the basis of information contained in this blog, readers should consult with a qualified lawyer for advice specific to their situation.