CCCC’s webinars are informative recorded training sessions designed for individual or group learning. Choose from a variety of topics to access continuing education when it is convenient for you. Some CCCC webinars may qualify for Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and Certified General Accountant (CGA) continuing education credits. Please check with your provincial association for eligibility details.
How much does it cost?
All webinars in the following list are FREE for CCCC Members!
How long is a webinar?
The running time for each session is listed with the description.
- 2025 T3010 Walkthrough
- Agile Leadership for Christian Charities
- Benevolence Policies and Government Reporting
- Benevolent Funds: Policy And Receipting
- Bill C-4 and Liability Insurance
- Board Governance - Where Was the Board?
- Clergy Residence Deduction - Religious Orders
- Common HR Pitfalls to Avoid
- Compensation Strategies: How to Think About Compensation
- Completing the T3010 Registered Charity Information Return
- Conversations with Donors
- CRA Audits-How to Pass with Flying Colours
- Cultivating High Impact, Long-Term Relationships with Major Donors
- Employees and Independent Contractors: Distinguishing Between Them
- Employment Law 101 for Charities
- Evaluating the CEO & Lead Pastor
- Exploring Generative AI as a Tool for Christian Charities
- Facility Rental Policies
- Financial Statements Part 1: Preparing Financial Statements
- Financial Statements Part 2: Evaluating Financial Statements
- Foreign Activities: Canadian Charities Operating Outside Canada
- Gifting and Receipting for Charities
- Hiring Well: Best Practices for Christian Ministries
- How to do a Board Checkup
- Human Rights Codes for Charities
- Leadership Longevity
- Making Grants and the New Rules for Charities
- Managing Charity Investments
- Managing Restricted Funds
- Managing Transportation Risk for Churches and Other Charities
- Ministry Work and Your Mental Health
- Passing the Financial Baton
- Practical AI for Christian Ministries
- Privacy Legislation & Your Ministry
- Raising Designated Support
- Reading Financial Statements for Boards and Leaders
- Receipting - Gifts-in-Kind
- Receipting - What must be included on the Official Donation Receipt
- Receipting - What Types of Gifts May be Receipted
- Receipting - Year-End Review - Issuing Official Receipts
- Retaining Records for Charities
- Role & Function of a Board Audit Committee
- Safety and Security on Short-Term Mission Trips
- Sending & Employing Missionaries Outside of Canada
- Stewarding Benevolence with Integrity: Policies, Practices, and Compliance
- Stewardship of your Ministry's Investments
- Stewardship of Your People Through Policies and Practices
- Strategy Development: Simplifying Your Strategy Process
- T4 Slip Completion - Part 1 - Basic Information
- T4 Slip Completion - Part 2 - Filling in the Boxes
- Taxable Benefits: A Review for Charity Employers
- The Perfect New Employee: Hiring and Onboarding Well
- The REACTION Dashboard - The Simple tool leaders use to Understand, Assess, and Improve organizational culture.
- The World Changed: Your Strategy Should Follow
- Things Change! Reviewing your Charitable Purposes and Activities
- Three Ways a Small Church Can Be an Effective Church
- Understanding When Your Ministry Must Issue Tax Slips
- Welcome to Charity Leadership
- What Should Be Included in Board Minutes?
- Workplace Investigations