CCCC is intentional about representing Christian charities in the public sphere. We hold seats on key legal and political committees and participate in one-time consultations and conferences. Being involved and informed on the latest developments allows CCCC to promote policies that reflect the best interests of our members.
Ongoing Committees:
- Technical Issues Working Group (TIWG) meets twice a year to advise the CRA on trends and issues related to the charitable sector
- Ontario Bar Association Charity and Not-for-Profit Law Section Executive provides resources and current information for legal professionals
- Ontario Bar Association Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law Section Executive provides resources and current information for legal professionals
Recent Consultation and Conferences:
- CRA consultation regarding new anti-terror webpages (2020)
- Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC) conference (2019)
- Submission to the Special Senate Committee on the Charitable Sector by Rev. Dr. John Pellowe