Web Member Application - for Internship Students

CCCC serves over 3,000 ministries by providing practical, affordable resources that help them operate in an exemplary, healthy, and effective way. We offer a free web membership with CCCC to internship students for one calendar year. What's included?

  • sample documents, templates, and downloads on the CCCC website
  • access to CCCC Bulletin articles online
  • online access to the Charities Handbook
  • product and event discounts

At this level of membership there is no access to CCCC staff to answer questions nor to Employee Benefits packages.

*Indicates Required Field

Information About You

*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Email: This will be your login email to access electronic resources on the CCCC website.
*Street Address:
*Postal Code:
Mailing Address:
Mailing Street Address:
Postal Code:
*I heard about CCCC Membership from:

Information About Internship Program and University/Seminary

*Program Enrolled in:
*Internship End Date:
*Name of University/Seminary:
*Street Address:
*Postal Code:
University/Seminary Mailing Address:
Mailing Street Address:
Postal Code:

Best Practices

CCCC encourages all Web members to use their best efforts to:

  • Form an active governing board that holds regular meetings, creates appropriate policy, maintains effective control, and provides strategic direction.
  • Establish appropriate systems for financial & internal control, transparent financial reporting, and fair treatment of staff and volunteers.
  • Comply with federal, provincial and municipal laws and regulations.
  • Serve the interests of donors, members, and beneficiaries in an ethical way.
  • Protect the confidentiality of personal data.
  • Be open and honest in dealing with the public.