The CCCC office will be closed on Monday, September 2, 2024 for Labour Day. Normal work hours will resume on Tuesday, September 3, 2024.
Picture of Barbara Bierman

Barbara Bierman
Head of Online Programs, Member Support Team

What's inside:

Learning Table: A New Online Course Experience

We are tremendously excited to open registrations for our new Learning Table online course "Strategy Development Bootcamp for Charities and Non-Profits." This new learning experience has been meticulously designed for forward-thinking leaders in Christian charities, who seek to amplify their strategic planning abilities!

Facilitated by industry experts Chris Bosch and Lon Wong from Chisel Consulting, this course will equip you with the tools, resources, and information you need to facilitate strategy development in your own organization. The course is based on the process of "Wayfinding", which provides a clear and concise roadmap for strategic planning.

We encourage you to enrol in a course or head to the Learning Table website to find out more about what it offers!

Plus, this ministry season we encourage you to get connected to other CCCC members on The Green, our online community. Whether you're sharing your latest idea, seeking advice on operational issues, or offering your insights, 'The Green' is your venue for fruitful interaction. Join in the community.

As always, we are committed to strengthening charities and helping you.   

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Grant Writing Resources

Most Christian charities raise funds exclusively through appeals and solicitation. On occasion churches will also use campaigns to raise additional funds for buildings and capital expenses. Grant-writing is often an unfamiliar skill-set. These resources help you find your footing as you venture into grant-writing.

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Budgeting Resources

It’s always good to have a plan, even if you don’t follow it exactly. A budget helps you determine in your mind what you want to do in a year and verify if you will have the resources you need to accomplish your goals. Budgeting is a good exercise because it helps you pre-think events before you face them and makes you more prepared when things don’t turn out the way you expect.

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What's New in the CCCC Knowledge Base

The CCCC Knowledge Base is always changing and growing. This page is where we highlight major changes to the site and resources. It is also a record of what we are learning about technology, remote work, and collaborative information sharing. See a list of new and revised resources for each month.

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MAXIMIZE YOUR membership
Picture of Chris Bosch and Lon Wong from Chisel Consulting

Register Now for Strategy Development Bootcamp For Charities & Non-Profits

We're delighted to share that CCCC's Strategy Bootcamp, a unique online course crafted for Christian charity leaders, is now welcoming enrolments. Led by industry experts, Chris Bosch and Lon Wong of Chisel Consulting, the course utilizes the "Wayfinding" method to offer a clear roadmap for strategic planning and deliver the necessary tools for strategy development in your organization.

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Charitable Sector Updates
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Qualifying Disbursements, Grants, and Conditional Donations

Amendments to the Income Tax Act prohibit charities from receiving donations which are conditional on the charity making a gift to a non-charity. Now that charities can give grants to non-charities, this blanket prohibition has created confusion about whether and how charities can accept gifts with a donor preference. CRA’s final guidance on this point is yet to be released, but CRA indicates that it is a case-by-case determination that depends on the facts and documentation. CRA’s draft guidance recommends that charities clearly communicate to donors that (1) they can indicate a preference, but the charity retains ultimate authority over its resources; and (2) donations will not be returned to the donor if the resources will not be used according to the donor’s indicated preference.

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Quick Picks

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CCCC staff are constantly reading news, reports, and other resources to stay on top of developments in the charitable sector. We think you'll find these picks helpful!


Three Ways a Small Church Can Be an Effective Church

Yes, small churches can be strong, healthy, and effective. In this webinar, Karl Vaters, author of The Grasshopper Myth, will inform small church pastors and leaders of the three main principles behind effective small churches. Click here to register.

Other notable upcoming events

October 11, 2023 | 2:00 - 3:00 pm ET - CCCC Pension Plan Information Session


Congratulations to our Accredited Members!

By demonstrating commitment to integrity, accountability, and transparency through compliance with the CCCC Standards of Accountability, Accredited Members have earned CCCC Accreditation.

Congratulations to the following Accredited Members who recently participated in a scheduled accreditation review and demonstrated their ongoing commitment to CCCC Accreditation standards: Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches, FH Canada, Fresh Start Support Services, Heritage Christian Education Society, Lutheran Bible Translators of Canada, Inc., and Union Gospel Mission (Vancouver). We are proud to have you as part of our Accredited Member community!

To find out more about CCCC Accreditation and our Accredited members, visit

recent blog posts

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Hot off the press! A Brand New Book on MAID in Canada

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Image of a tiny house (grey sloped triangular roof, white walls, with a red vertical stripe accent at the front) sitting on a wooden table-top, with a single key on a keychain ring resting beside the house

How Authoritative Are CRA Information Sheets? The Federal Court Weighs In

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Hand holding a black smartphone on a yellow background; smartphone screen shows a large green circle with a black checkmark in the centre

Corporations Canada Implements Mandatory Identity Verification

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Bequest To A Church

Users discuss how to manage gifts to charities that come with 'strings attached' where donors would like to see specific things done with the gifts given. A donor-restricted gift policy is one of the ideas discussed and details are provided.

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City Indoor Building Rentals

Many charities rent municipal or provincial spaces to hold their services and events. Occasionally charities run into difficulty when those rental requests are denied based on the usage being for religious purposes. Follow along with the discussion or share your own story as well as get tips on how to navigate such a roadblock.

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Picture of man at desk with laptop, calculator and paper documents

Church As Guarantor To A Lease Agreement

Many churches participate in activities that support refugees, asylum-seekers and new Canadians. Drop in on this topic for the discussion on whether a church can or should act as guarantor for such an individual on a lease agreement. Feel free to share your insight as well if you have navigated this previously.

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A Pro When You Need One

The professionals listed in our Professional Associates Directory provide services to charities and practice in four general areas: law, accounting, insurance, and consulting.

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Contact details

Canadian Centre for Christian Charities


1 - 43 Howard Ave
Elmira, ON N3B 2C9


(519) 669-5137

View driving directions

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