The CCCC office will be closed on Monday, September 2, 2024 for Labour Day. Normal work hours will resume on Tuesday, September 3, 2024.
Picture of Christian Malleck

Christian Malleck
Head of HR, Member Support Team

What's Inside:

Handle Your T3010 Filing with Confidence and Ease!

All charities must annually file their Registered Charity Information Return (known as the T3010), and this year there are new updates to the process depending on when your fiscal year ends.

To ensure you are using the correct version of the T3010, here is some helpful information: 

  • Fiscal year ending on or before December 30, 2023, should use T3010 version 23.
  • Fiscal year ending on or after December 31, 2023, should use T3010 version 24.

Did you know that CCCC has developed a CRA-approved, fillable, saveable T3010 to assist you in completing your T3010? Both version 23 and version 24 are ready for your use! If you’d like, you can print out a blank T3010 as a working copy. This service is included in your CCCC membership!

In addition, we’ve developed helpful resources in our Knowledge Base to assist you in your reporting requirements. Check it all out in our Bulletin this month!    

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New Resources for the 2024 T3010 Registered Charity Information Return

Welcome to CCCC's Handbook to the T3010, a new guide for Christian charity administrators responsible for completing the T3010 Registered Charity Information Return. This resource helps charities comply with Canadian tax laws, particularly following the latest legislative updates in 2023. Inside you will find detailed insights into the T3010-24E form, including crucial deadlines, filing procedures, and non-compliance implications. Additionally, the handbook offers practical tips for accurate reporting, understanding the new schedules and worksheets, and harnessing CCCC's online form as a compliance tool.

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Common Questions: Who Owns a Pastor's Sermon?

Do you have questions about the ownership of sermons created and delivered by pastors? Many CCCC members do, So, we've created a quick summary that explores scenarios, such as a pastor leaving a church wanting to sell their sermons or a pastor writing a book including previously preached sermons. This topic introduces the important concepts and steps of managing the ownership of sermons and related intellectual property within Canadian law and church policy.

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Common Questions: How Do I Receipt a Gift at Year End?

Each year, charities receive donations that cross over the calendar year-end. Recalling the rules for receiving gifts can be challenging, such as online donations crossing into the New Year, cheques dated in December but delivered in January, and mailed contributions. Occasionally, charity administrators need a quick reminder of the nuances of year-end receipting. This topic helps charities and donors confidently navigate these complex rules and maintain compliance and transparency.

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What's New in the CCCC Knowledge Base

The CCCC Knowledge Base is constantly changing and growing. This page is where we highlight significant changes to the site and resources. It also records what we are learning about technology, remote work, and collaborative information sharing. In January, we updated the T3010 section and began building author and editor pages to help you learn more about our team and the experts who write for the CCCC Bulletin. We also cleaned up the side navigation menus and fixed a few glitches from our soft launch on October 1st.

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Picture of hands working on a laptop with words What's New in the Knowledge Base
MAXIMIZE YOUR membership
Three CCCC employees around table having discussion

HR Consulting Solutions for Your Ministry

We provide on-demand HR expertise for ministries that might not have an HR professional on staff. Our practical, customized, faith-based tools and solutions help you navigate the challenges of any stage of the employment relationship.

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Charitable Sector Updates
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New T3010 from CRA

CRA has released version 24 of the T3010. Charities with fiscal year ends on or after December 31, 2023 need to file using version 24. It makes updates to disbursement quota requirements (adding an entirely new schedule), requires specific information about donor advised funds, updates language to reflect grants (qualifying disbursements), and makes several adjustments to the detailed financial information required, including separate lines for impact investments. We've outlined and pictured the changes in our recent blog post, New T3010 for January 2024. And if you have feedback about the T3010, CRA wants to hear from you. You can complete CRA's T3010 survey online

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Making Grants? Finalized Guidance is Out

Are you making grants? Have you seen CRA's finalized granting guidance? In December, the final version of CG-032 Registered Charities Making Grants to Non-Qualified Donees was released. Even though the guidance is not law, it does set out how charities can make sure they abide by the Income Tax Act if they choose to transfer resources to non-qualified donees (broadly speaking, non-charities). Our blog, CRA Releases Final Granting Guidance walks through the most significant changes and CRA's recommended process. You can also ask your questions and share ideas about grants on The Green.

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Smiling man at kitchen table with laptop, phone, and open book

Quick Picks

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CCCC staff are constantly reading news, reports, and other resources to stay on top of developments in the charitable sector. We think you'll find these picks helpful!


AI Webinar with Dr. Michael Nixon

As an AI expert passionate about ethical technology use, Dr. Nixon, an educator and researcher from the University of Toronto Mississauga, is excited to lead the upcoming CCCC webinar "Exploring Generative AI as a Tool for Christian Charities," tailored for Canadian Christian charities. In this webinar, Dr. Nixon will delve into how AI can be aligned with Christian ethics to effectively address social issues and enhance community outreach, emphasizing both the potential benefits and the moral considerations. His session will include a brief survey of the history of AI, practical demonstrations of AI applications, possible ways to integrate these technologies within the framework of Christian values, and guidance on utilizing AI to optimize resource allocation and impact in charitable endeavors. Join us on March 20th at 2:00 pm ET.


Congratulations To Our Accredited Members!

By demonstrating commitment to integrity, accountability, and transparency through compliance with the CCCC Standards of Accountability, Accredited Members have earned CCCC Accreditation.

Congratulations to the following Accredited Members who recently participated in a scheduled accreditation review and demonstrated their ongoing commitment to CCCC Accreditation standards: Associated Gospel Churches, Avant Ministries Canada, Interserve Canada, ISMC International Student Ministries Canada, Karis Community Initiatives, Karis Disability Services, Karis Global Partnerships, London Pregnancy & Family Support Centre, Mennonite Collegiate Institute, Multiply, Our Daily Bread Ministries Canada, Square One World Media Inc.,  Steinbach Christian Schools Inc.Trans World Radio Canada, and World Renew. We are proud to have you as part of our Accredited Member community!

To find out more about CCCC Accreditation and our Accredited members, visit

Recent Blog Posts

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New T3010 for January 2024

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Four steps to determine salaries for Christian ministries

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Making Disciples Without Overworking the Pastor (A Simple, Five-Step Process)

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Donation Receipt Software

As registered charities prepare to prepare and distribute official receipts for 2023, one Green member is asking for referrals for programs that create and issue official donation receipts. Lots of good ideas in this thread as other Green members share their resources!

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FINTRAC Compliance For EFT

Users share their experience and specific advice around the new FINTRAC (Financial Transactions And Reports Analysis Centre of Canada) reporting requirements. Lots of good details for how to get in touch by phone to confirm requirements and how to comply.

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A Pro When You Need One

The professionals listed in our Professional Associates Directory provide services to charities and practice in four general areas: law, accounting, insurance, and consulting.

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Contact Details

Canadian Centre for Christian Charities


1 - 43 Howard Ave
Elmira, ON N3B 2C9


(519) 669-5137

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