The CCCC office will be closed on Monday, September 2, 2024 for Labour Day. Normal work hours will resume on Tuesday, September 3, 2024.
Picture of Deina Warren

Deina Warren
Director of Legal Affairs

What's Inside:

Canada Summer Jobs Application Guidance and Checklist

Are you thinking about applying for Canada Summer Jobs funding to hire students in 2024? For many years, CCCC has been advocating for fair and balanced treatment of Christian charities within this government funded program. We have put together guidance to help you confidently navigate the application process and understand how a successful grant application is structured.

Keep in mind the application period just opened and is quite brief, closing on January 10th, 2024. It's important to start the preparation now if you intend to apply. Check out the application checklist and Knowledge Base resources in this month’s Bulletin to help you get everything ready for your application.

A special thank you to our members who have renewed their CCCC membership for 2024, and those who made a special contribution to CCCC’s Legal Defence Fund. You may not realize that your participation in CCCC membership helps us maintain this strong voice in the sector and effectively advocate for the needs of Christian charities. Thank you for your support and the renewal of your 2024 membership.    

Man sitting at desk with laptop and papers and Canadian flag waving behind him with words Open Canada Summer Jobs

Canada Summer Jobs Walkthrough Video (2024)

In this video Paul Wolfe walks through the Canada Summer Jobs Application Guide, with updates for 2024. It is an informal 40 minute presentation intended to introduce first time applicants to the overall structure of the CSJ program. During the presentation Paul shares general advice about grant writing, and the process of applying for funding from the Government of Canada, foundations, or private donors.

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Updated Canada Summer Jobs Resources for 2024

The Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) program provides wage subsidies to not-for-profit organizations, the public sector, and private sector organizations with 50 or fewer full-time employees. It is a very competitive process, so first time applicants are not guaranteed funding. We've updated our publications and added additional sample documents to help you plan and prepare for your application.

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Picture of the keyboard with a red key that says work and another key that has a canadian flag
Picture of hands working on a laptop with words What's New in the Knowledge Base

What's New in the CCCC Knowledge Base

The CCCC Knowledge Base is always changing and growing. This page is where we highlight major changes to the site and resources. It is also a record of what we are learning about technology, remote work, and collaborative information sharing. In November we added the author and editor's information to all CCCC Bulletin articles from 2009-2019. We also organized PDF versions of all CCCC Bulletins from 1998-2022. They are now being double-checked before we add them to the Knowledge Base. Finally, we fixed a few glitches from our soft-launch on October 1st.

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MAXIMIZE YOUR membership
Three CCCC employees around table having discussion

HR Consulting program for CCCC members

CCCC offers on-demand HR expertise and support for ministries that may not have their own HR professional on staff or have particular HR requirements. Whether it’s creating policies, crafting job descriptions, training, or designing your on-boarding process, we’re here to help!

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Charitable Sector Updates
picture of Canadian parliament building, Canadian flag and the words Canada Summer Jobs 2024 Applications Open until Jan 10

Canada Summer Jobs 2024 Overview & Comment

Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) applications for 2024 are open. Applications are due January 10, 2024. As always, charity leaders will need to make up their own minds as to whether they are comfortable with the terms and conditions attached to CSJ funding. To help you decide, we've read the requirements for 2024 as set out in the Applicant Guide and the Articles of Agreement and have summarized what's the same and what's new. We also comment on some questions and concerns the 2024 requirements could raise. 

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CRA Clarifies that Charities Do Not Have to File T3 Returns for Internal Trusts

In case you haven't already heard the good news, CRA announced that registered charities are not required to file a T3 (Trust Income Tax and Information Return) for internal trusts. We wrote letters in July and October that encouraged a simple, clear and timely solution for charities and urged CRA to maintain its administrative position that did not requiring separate reporting. We are very pleased to see that this outcome! For more, check out our blog post, Charities Do Not Have to File T3 Returns for Internal Trusts (also linked below).

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Smiling man at kitchen table with laptopm calculator and paper

Quick Picks

Picture of man holding clock

CCCC staff are constantly reading news, reports, and other resources to stay on top of developments in the charitable sector. We think you'll find these picks helpful!


How well are you compensating your ministry staff?

Join us for a by-invitation only webinar on Feb. 7 at 1pm ET, just for CCCC members who have participated in the CCCC Canadian Ministry Compensation Survey this year. You'll have an opportunity to fill out the Compensation Survey until Jan. 30th to receive a special email invitation to this webinar. We will discuss compensation for ministry roles, provide guidance on developing attractive compensation packages, and include a dedicated Q&A session to clarify all your concerns. Email invitations will be sent to qualifying participants on Feb. 1, 2024.

Two binders, one labelled salaries, the other labelled payroll

Congratulations To Our Accredited Members!

By demonstrating commitment to integrity, accountability, and transparency through compliance with the CCCC Standards of Accountability, Accredited Members have earned CCCC Accreditation.

Congratulations to the following Accredited Members who recently participated in a scheduled accreditation review and demonstrated their ongoing commitment to CCCC Accreditation standards: A Rocha Canada, Awana International Canada, and Trinity Western University. We are proud to have you as part of our Accredited Member community!

To find out more about CCCC Accreditation and our Accredited members, visit

recent blog posts

Man standing at front of room beside whiteboard with the words fundraising

Going Beyond the Fundraising Ratio: Broadening the View on Charitable Impact

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Person looking at computer screen that has image of two hands with a heart and a Click button

7 Tips for Choosing a Charity to Donate To

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Image of person speaking into a bullhorn/megaphone

Charities Do Not Have to File T3 Returns for Internal Trusts

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Picture Policy Board laying on work surface

Welcoming Those with a Criminal Past into Christian Community

One of our members created a policy to help a church welcome someone with a criminal past into its place of worship in a safe, caring and wise way.

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Church Membership For Employees

Join this discussion thread about the potential legal implications of mandating employees to have membership at their church.

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Picture of employees working around conference table
Picture of man's hand working on calculator with papers and cell phone laying on desk

Consequences of Year-End Deficit

The concern around declaring deficits and how it may impact obtaining director's insurance is currently a discussion on The Green. Different accounting strategies, and best practices to ensure accurate and transparent reporting are being discussed, along with insights shared from members' insurance companies regarding financial reporting.

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A Pro When You Need One

The professionals listed in our Professional Associates Directory provide services to charities and practice in four general areas: law, accounting, insurance, and consulting.

man's hands typing on keyboard

Contact details

Canadian Centre for Christian Charities


1 - 43 Howard Ave
Elmira, ON N3B 2C9


(519) 669-5137

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